More things that she has started doing this past month.
- She has discovered her hands and it is so much fun to watch her try to figure them out.
- She loves her swing. When she is put in it we turn on the mobile and she stares at it with so much interest and then laughs and smiles really big.
- Also when we talk to her now she gives us so so so much attention staring us down trying to understand what in the world we are doing and saying.
- She makes little noises daily. She say a-goo and a-ga.
- She still has a really hard time trying to be put to sleep for naps or bed which has been a challenge.
- When we have the tv on she watches it so I need to stop that and maybe invest in some educational programs she can watch at.
Here are some pictures from her past month.
Chilling with the mom
Matt took these when I was drugged up after surgery
I Love this outfit she was so cute
She wasn't in a big smiling mood in this video
We can't wait to see what else she starts doing. We love our little girl with all of our hearts.