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Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Job in Arizona

Okay so a lot has happened and if I told you everything it could get pretty long.  To shorten things up we got back from Mexico April 14th, just in time to enjoy the cold rainy weather.  Matt went into high gear to find a job, luckily matt has the best brother-in-law Ben who told him about an opening at the company he works with in Arizona.  Matt was flown down for an interview and he got the job. YEAH!!!! (a little nervous to live in rural arizona).  We will be moving to the Thatche/Safford area.  We will now get a pay check and that is better than no money at all.  Now we are in the process of getting things together and moving.  Matt starts his job on monday the 17th and I will stay in town until Memorial Day when we will move our stuff down.  This is in consideration that matt will be able to find a place to live if not we might be living in a hotel for a period of time.  I am hopeful though that we will get a place soon.  There is only two of us right? 

Well, this was a quick catch up and I will keep you all updated on the changes in our life.  I am sure there will be many new adventures to come within the coming months.