Some things that she is doing that we LOVE:
- She has mastered crawling and loves getting around and grabbing everything.
- She loves her exersaucer. I think it has given her a greater interest in wanting to walk.
- She loves to stand by herself next to the couch or somewhere she can hold onto our legs.
- She hasn't discovered any new sounds, but she is learning what dada really means cute.
- Despite no new words she still LOVES to talk.
- Loves watching Trixie. We have found out this past week that hearing trixie bark makes her laugh.
- Her favorite toys to play with are the cords to the laptop and charger for our PS3 controller. Still loves her bead necklace.
- Definitely a mommy's girl. She will only cuddle with Matt when she is extremely tired and given up her will to push away.
- She is growing a little more hair, but still looks like a bald baby.
- One of her favorite foods is mashed potatoes and bananas. She will always eat toast too. She refuses baby food :( We really need to go buy a food mill.
- Loves being a part of everything. Which means that we end up holding her a lot.
- When mom or dad sings (especially in church) she wants to sing with us cute.
There is more I am sure, but Lynlee has been sick and fussy lately and needing my attention so I better go and get her. Here are some pictures before I leave:
Loving crawling
Wanted the sign really bad
So I finally let her get it
Wanted to test her exploring skills. She found the sign and was determined to get it.
Kept wanting to stand to get the sign.
This is her wanting to play with Trixie's toys.
Happy 8 months :)
We have been told over and over how happy of a baby she is. Constantly smiling at people when out of the apartment. We have a social baby she must get that from her dad because I am shy. Our little ray of sun is growing so fast and we are so excited to see what she will learn next :)
Oh my goodness she is getting so big! She is absolutely adorable :)