The House we stayed at
The bed we slept in Yelapa. Yes it is hanging off the floor.
We got home from Mexico in April with almost no money. We lived off of our savings in Mexico because his internship came with no pay. Well, we came home and were blessed for sure. Our brother-in-law, Ben, had recently got a job at Eurofresh Farms in Wilcox, AZ. Matt was able to get an interview for an accounting position and YES we got it. So by the first week of June we had moved down to Safford, AZ. We rented a studio apartment above the garage where ben and mistie were renting with the lease ending Nov. 1st. I got a job working on collections for a doctors office. We started looking for a place to live, a house to buy. We put an offer in on a forclosed house in Thatcher, AZ in July and we were in it by Nov. 9th. Luckily a girl at work, Jade and her husband Ryan, let Matt and I stay in one of their extra bedrooms while we were homeless for a week. Then came some really sad news. Matt's brother who had been diagnosed with cancer in April suddenly passed away. Meaning we took a quick road (21 hours one way) trip to Boise Idaho. Bought a puppy, Trixie, our newest member of our family. Matt's parents, sister and her then fiance came for Thanksgiving. Then we traveled to Utah for Christmas with our families and Jenny's wedding.
Our new home
It has been a whirlwind year, but we are excited to see what this next year has for us. Bring it on 2011.